Making youth soccer possible for everyone

We are committed to making youth soccer availability for all youth players in Northeast Iowa. With our scholarship program, players/parents can apply to received a scholarship for part (up to 50%) of the player's registration fee.


DUSC has established a program for which players/parents can apply to received a scholarship for part (up to 50%) of the player's registration fee. Scholarships are awarded based upon financial needs of the applicant, availability of funds in the scholarship program, and approval by the DUSC Board of Directors based upon its established criteria. The program is open to all registered players/parents who meet the financial criteria and are able to provide DUSC Board of Directors with a complete and accurate application and supporting documentation.


The primary way we are determining eligibility for a scholarship is if a player receives free/reduced lunch.

For families who may be experiencing hardship but are not receiving free/reduced lunch, they can still apply for a scholarship, but will need to provide the first two pages of their tax return showing number of dependents and AIG.

To receive the maximum amount of financial assistance, the household AGI must be below the Department of Agriculture income eligibility guidelines for free meals.  The committee may award assistance if AGI is higher than the amounts shown below if there are extenuating circumstances e.g. loss of job, medical expenses, etc. The following is only a guideline for determining assistance:

HOW DO I Apply?

To apply for a DUSC Scholarship. Click the apply button below and fill out the form. A member of the DUSC Board will contact you to talk through your situation and the documentation needed for your specific application.

HOW DO I know if my application has been approved?

Applicants will receive acceptance or denial by written notification by DUSC Board of Directors.

who can I email with Questions or status of my application?

For all questions about financial aid, please email DUSC at


  1. Requests for financial aid must come from the player’s parents or legal guardian. Players requesting financial aid must be playing U6 to U18 level soccer.

  2. Eligibility is based upon the following criteria: A player must have acceptance into his/her school’s free or reduced lunch program. No financial information is required, providing the player’s parents/guardians submit a copy of a letter that confirms acceptance into the free or reduced lunch program at the player’s school.

  3. All other financial hardship requests must be submitted in writing to the DUSC Board of Directors.

  4. A player’s family may receive financial aid twice per year (fall and spring seasons). The player/parents are responsible for the non-refundable tryout fee deposit (if applicable). Any financial aid given is to be applied to the upcoming season registration and coaching fees.

  5. Applicants will receive acceptance or denial by written notification by DUSC Board of Directors.

  6. Acceptance into the DUSC financial aid program does not guarantee full payment of a player’s registration and/or coaching fees. DUSC has established a limited fund to assist players. Fee assistance award amounts will be based on the number of applicants and available funds.

  7. The review policy for the DUSC Board of Directors is as follows:

    a. The DUSC Board members will follow the guidelines outlined by the scholarship program.

    b. The DUSCC Board members may not participate in a review or lobby for any player that is or could potentially be rostered on their team.

  8. All financial aid requests will be held in the strictest of confidence by the DUSC Board of Directors.

  9. Financial aid awards must meet with the approval of the DUSC Board of Directors. All applications received will be considered in the order in which they are received, and only if scholarship funds are available. Financial aid requests must be submitted prior to each soccer season (spring & fall), if applicable.

  10. Financial aid recipients agree to the additional financial commitment of competitive traveling soccer (if applicable), including but not limited to, practices, tournaments, uniforms and travel.

  11. In order to receive financial aid, you are expected to volunteer for club activities when asked.