spring registration extended through March 8th

SPRING 2025 Rec program-General information

Registration for our Spring 2025 Season is now OPEN!


We will once again be playing in the Iowa Soccer Recreational League. Practices will start on March 31st with first games tentatively scheduled for April 5th. Last practice will be on May 29th.



This Spring of 2025, we will have for the first time a U7-U8 team that will be playing games of the Iowa Northeast Rec League on the weekends! They play 4v4 with no GoalKeepers. We will still offer the option of a no-game U7-U8 squad for those that are not ready to travel to play just yet. When registering, look for U7-U8 - Travel Team or U7-U8 - Practice Only


Our kick off meeting will be for all parents and guardians on March 16th from 5:00pm-6:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Decorah High School located at 100 Claiborne Dr, Decorah, IA 52101.

All practice sessions will be held on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS.

Specific times by age group are TBD, but will be between 4:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. 

Training is hosted at Will Baker Park and at Luther College.


Will Baker Park, Pulpit Rock Road, Decorah, IA


Uniforms will be available for purchase for those that need it after February 21st. Here is what you need to know so far:

Players in U9 and above need a uniform for the season. If you haven't gotten the NEW uniform yet (meaning you haven't participated in DUSC since the Fall of 2023), you will have to purchase it.

Registration cost does not include the cost of uniforms.

Parents/Guardians will be sent an email with a link to the site to order their players uniform after registration closes.

Current uniform costs are as follows.

Jersey - $35

Shorts - $16

Socks - $10


This Spring we will also have shirts for the younger groups that don't play games. This is a way for those kids to represent their teams during practices and team photos. It will be included in registration fees. 


Soccer ball, Water bottle, Cleats (no tennis shoes) , Athletic Clothing

  • Size 3 ball for U7-U8

  • Size 4 ball for U9, U10, U11, U12

  • Size 5 ball for U15


U5-U6 CoEd - $90 (Includes Tshirt, 1 practice/week and no games)

U7-U8 - Practice Only - $135 (Includes Tshirt, 2 practices/week and no games)

U7-U8 - Travel Team - 170$ (Includes Tshirt, 2 practices/week + games)

U9-U10 - $190 (Includes Techne App, 2 practices/week + games and potential to do CV Cup)

U11+ - $210 ( Includes Techne App, 2 practices/week + games and potential to do CV Cup  )

REMINDER: Even though we plan on having all teams playing the CV Cup, it’s not guaranteed because everyone may not necessarily want to participate and a team may not have enough players.


Registration for the Iowa Soccer Recreational League, Coaches, Referees, access to the TECHNE Futbol App for Player U9-U15.

sharpen your soccer skills at home with the techne app

spring registration for ALL Players U9-U15 will include a subscription for the Techne app

DUSC has established a partnership with the Techne Futbol App! Techne Futbol is a mobile/tablet tool in which kids will be able to work at home on their skills! Passing, dribbling, shooting, alone or with friends, the app allows kids to stay fresh with their technical ability! 

It also allows them to compete against each other within their teams! They are able to track down each other's progress and compete for the most hours of technical work done! Rewards will be given out monthly for the kids that used the app the most! 

The app has lots of variations and fits all homes. They have Living Room adapted sessions, Core and Physical workouts and even Mental Training! All soccer specific. It is an AMAZING tool that clubs around the country have been using.

ATTENTION: Once registered, we will give you access to the app. That way your kids can start using the app ahead of our season! Somewhat of a pre-season for the players!