General information

Our competitive program gives families the choice when it comes to competitive soccer within our club. The Tournament Only program will be overseen by Coach Teo Jube. This year we are excited to announce that competitive teams for both U10 & U12 will be available.

By joining DUSC you will receive the following benefits:

  • Registration for 4 Tournaments

  • Team Training 2-3X per week.

  • Players will have the ability to play at the higher levels across Iowa.

  • U10 eligibility: Players born in 2015-2016

  • U12 eligibility: Players born in 2013-2014


The DUSC Competitive Tournament Only program is a training and tournament based program. Tournaments are typically with in 2-3 hours travel time and held on the weekends. The team will participate in 4 tournaments. See below for current tournament information.

Tournament entry fees are included with the registration cost.

Note: Specific tournaments and/or dates are subject to change based upon availability.
If the team chooses to participate in additional tournaments, the team will need to collect the fees.

Team Formation

To ensure that each player receives a fair and unbiased evaluation, players attending the tryout will be evaluated by an impartial coach who currently is not, and will not be, involved with the team moving forward.

 There are 12 spots available for U10 and 16 spots available for U12, therefore your child may not be selected. We are counting on you, the parents, to help support the club and this process by speaking with your child about this ahead of time and offering support if your child is not selected. DUSC will continue to offer the recreational program and we encourage your child to continue in that if s/he is not selected. Tryout results are confidential and will not be discussed under any circumstances.

Kids who were selected from tryouts will have the option to either accept or decline the offered spot. We will give you 5 days to make that decision after we announce results. If a player who was selected decides to decline, the spot will be offered to the next better evaluated player.  Invitations sent by October 31, 2024.


U10 COED: October 19, 2024, 9:00-10:30 AM

U12 COED: October 20, 2024, 3:00-4:30 PM

 LOCATION: Will Baker Park

C0ST: $25 which includes a tryout shirt. The shirt will assign each player a number and this number will be used to keep track of each participant and evaluate him/her. This is a non-refundable cost and will not be returned if the player is not selected for the team. This fee will not be applied to the registration fees if the player does make the team.


The fee includes 2-3 practices a week, entry fee Sfor all 4 tournaments, coaches pay (1 coach per team), coach travel expenses and away uniforms. We will offer you the option to pay this fee through installments using your credit card. We also have some financial aid opportunities. This is the most affordable Competitive Team registration price in the tri-state area.

U12: $450

U10: $400


Hotel rooms, food & beverage, supplemental team activities (potlucks & pizza parties), and any additional travel costs are not included in this fee.  Families must plan for these costs in addition to the registration fee.


Season Length:  March 24, 2025 - June 8 or 15, 2025 (TBD )

Practices for COED U12: 3X per week

Practices for COED U10: 2X per week

Location: Will Baker Park, Decorah, IA. 

Players will need the following items for each training session: soccer ball  (size 4), water bottle, soccer cleats (No football, softball or baseball cleats), and athletic attire.
In addition to practice, players will have the opportunity  to execute one  30 minute training session assigned by their coach, on their own time using the TECHNE app. 
75% Attendance is required for both practices and tournaments. Inability to fulfill a 75% commitment will result ineligibility for next year. 


All competitive players will be required to purchase their home uniform. The home uniform will be the same as our current recreational uniform. Players that already own the home uniform will not be required to purchase a new one.

Away uniforms will be provided by our team sponsors Wick’s Construction.

spring 2025 tournament information

April 11-13, 2025

April 26-27, 2025

May 17-18, 2025

June 7-8 or June 14-15, 2025 (TBD)